4 Restaurants in Mt.Koya where you can eat Shojin ryori.
4 Restaurants in Mt.Koya where you can eat Shojin ryori.

4 Restaurants in Mt.Koya where you can eat Shojin ryori.

Mount Koya is a Buddhist town founded by Kobo Daishi,and shojin ryori is the traditional cuisine there.

Shojin ryori is food that does not use meat or fish.In the Buddhist world,there is a rule not to kill living things.Monks eat it as part of their training.The purpose is to cultivate the mind by eating simple or vegetarian foods. 

The ingredients used in the dish are tofu, konjac,namafu(wheat gluten),and vegetables.This dish has a light flavor,but you can enjoy the ingredients.

One of the Japanese food ingredients is Koya-Dofu.During the cold winter at Mt.Koya,tofu froze.When monks thawed it and ate it,it became popular among the public.Freeze-dried tofu is very nutritious and is a popular diet food.Tourists can try the Shojin cuisine.I’d like to introduce four recommended restaurants.All restaurants have English menu.

1.Chuo Shokudo ”Sanbou



4.SHOJIN Dining Kirihouju

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