Koyasan in Wakayama
Koyasan in Wakayama

Koyasan in Wakayama

Koyasan, located in northern Wakayama Prefecture, is a religious city of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism founded by Kobo Daishi 1250 years ago. Kobo Daishi was a Buddhist monk who lived around 800 A.D.He went to China to study esoteric Buddhim,and after returning to Japan he founded a sect called Shingon Buddhism.Kobo Daishi was close to the people and was loved by them.It is still a place for monks to study. You can stay overnight at a lodging lodge and eat Buddhist vegetarion cuisine. There are 117 temples on the mountain, and there are many things to see. We will introduce some of the most famous building.

Daimon Gate


Danjyo Garan



There are many gravestones of Sengoku warlords and memorial towers along the approach. The innermost area is the mausoleum of Kobo Daishi, so photography, eating and drinking are prohibited, and you must take your hat off when you visit.

Shojin ryori

It is vegetarian food.It is a dish that does not contain meat or fish.There are several restaurtants in the Koyasan area.For more information on Shojin ryori,check this out⇊

4 Restaurants in Mt.Koya where you can eat Shojin ryori.

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