Koyasan Choishi-michi-Pilgrimage Route!
Koyasan Choishi-michi-Pilgrimage Route!

Koyasan Choishi-michi-Pilgrimage Route!

Koyasan is a world heritage mountain located in northern Wakayama Prefecture. 1250 years ago, a Buddhist traning hall was opened by Kobo Daishi. There are seven pilgrimage routes.It is the route that leads to Mount Koya from the side of Niu-kanshobu Shrine and Jisonin Temple.Along the most famous road, stones are erected at intervals of 109 yards. The total length is 20 miles.The shrine and route is World Heritage Site.

This stone was erected in 1269 by the Hojo clan,who were regents of the Kamakura Shogunate.This stones has numbers and Buddhist characters written on it.

Kobo Daishi’s mother lived at Jison-in Temple,so he would walk along this road nine times a month to visit her.

At the end this road, climb this hill and you will arrive at the entrance to Mount Koya.

This is a memory from when I went to Mount Koya.Check it out.

Koyasan in Wakayama

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