Introducing the menu of Kourakuen Ramen Restaurant.
Introducing the menu of Kourakuen Ramen Restaurant.

Introducing the menu of Kourakuen Ramen Restaurant.

There are 393 ramen shops in Japan,founded in 1954.Reservations can not be made.You can eat delicious and cheap remen.The yellow signboard says ”幸楽苑”.This is read as ”Kourakuen”.I will introduce you to what kind of restaurant it is.

Mineral water is free.

Find this machine and fill your own glass with water.


Touch the green arrow.You can change it to English at the arrow.I don’t know why,but all menus are still in Japanese.Maybe if you touch the yellow arrow,it will change to English.Try it.

Type of Flavor
  • soy sauce しょうゆ味
  • salt     しお味
  • miso    みそ味
  • tsukemen つけめん

There are three flavors.Tsukemen has separate noodles and soup.There are ramen with a lot of vegetables and ramen with a lot of meat.The menu also incudes gyoza,rice,curry and beer.

What I ordered

Please look. The robot will bring you ramen.You take the dishes.If you stroke the red arrow part,it will return to the kitchen.

It’s a table for two. There are seasonings on the table.

This is soy sauce ramen with a lot of fat.This is 590 yen.I was surprised at how cheap it was! It is very delicious.In Japanese, it is ”背油中華そば”.

This is salt vegetable ramen.It’s light.

This is gyoza. The garlic-flavored meat is wrapped in the skin and grilled.

Make the sauce by mixing soy sauce,vineger,and chill oil.The sauce plate is a small depression next to the gyoza.

Fried rice is seasoned rice.

How to pay?

You can use credit cards,transportation electronic money,and cash.

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