Hyogo Northern Region Attractions!
Hyogo Northern Region Attractions!

Hyogo Northern Region Attractions!

All Japanese people know that the specialties of this region are winter sports, hot springs,and crabs. In winter everyone goes on a trip to a hot spring town to eat crab. Therefore, there are many tourists in winter.

Kinosaki Onsen

It is a famous hot spring town. The town has many restaurants and inns. It’s full of people in winter. Even if you don’t stay overnight, you can just take a bath in the hot springs.

🛜 Free Wi-Fi is available in Kinosaki Onsen Town.SSID:TOYOOKA_CITY_Free_Wi-Fi

Kinosaki Marine World

This is a popular aquarium in Hyogo Prefecture.There are pamphlets in foreign language.Unfortunately,there is no Wi-Fi.

Yumura Hot Spring

It is the second most famous hot spring town after Kinosaki Onsen. I think Yumura Onsen is a sercret spot because there are’nt many people.Hot springs with a high temperature of 98 degrees gush out all the time. It feels very good to take a relaxing hot spring bath.

You can use Wi-Fi at large inns.

Oukyo-dera Tempke

This temple was built in 745. Inside this building, there is a wonderful painting written on a sliding door. Admission fee: Adult 1200 yen

Izushi Castle Town

It has a quaint townscape.It is famous for its soba noodles served in small plates.

Great Buddha of Choraku-ji Temple

You will be surprised because there is a big temple in the mountains. The large Buddha statue is covered with gold leaf. It’s very impressive.

Genbudo Cave

It is a scenic spot of volcanic lava. It is a natural monument.This area is now a park.

Amarube Railway Bridge

This is the line that was actually used. It is now an observation facility. You can see the Sea of Japan.

SSID: Hyogo_ Free_Wi-Fi

Frog Island

It is a rock that resembles a frog.

Ski Resort

There are many ski resorts in the north.

Oobiki-no-hana Observation Deck

It is a spot where you can see the rough waves of the Sea of Japan.

Stork Culture Museum

This is a facility where you can learn about the ecology and history of white storks.

Free Wi-Fi available.

Crab 🍴

Crabs from the Sea of Japan can be eaten from November.It’s very fresh, sweet and delicious! I recommend staying at an inn near Hamasaka Fishing Port or Kasumi Fishing Port and eating there because it’s cheap and delicious.

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