4 Restaurants in Mt.Koya where you can eat Shojin ryori.

Mount Koya is a Buddhist town founded by Kobo Daishi,and shojin ryori is the traditional cuisine there. Shojin ryori is food that does not use meat or fish.In the Buddhist world,there is a rule not to kill living things.Monks eat it as part of their training.The purpose is to cultivate the mind by eating simple or vegetarian foods.  The ingredients used in the dish are tofu, konjac,namafu(wheat gluten),and vegetables.This dish has a light flavor,but you can enjoy the ingredients. One of the Japanese food ingredients is Koya-Dofu.During the cold winter at Mt.Koya,tofu froze.When monks thawed it and ate it,it became popular among the public.Freeze-dried tofu is very nutritious and is …

12 power Spots in Wakayama!

Do you know Wakayama Prefecture?It is located south of Osaka.Deep in the mountains of Wakayama,there are famous tourist destinations,including shrine and temples.Let me introduce it to you now. 1.Wakayama Castle It was built by Todo Takatora in 1585.This is the symbol of Wakayama City.You can go inside the castle and explore. 2.kokawa dera It is located in northern Wakayama Prefecture. In 770, a local hunter, Otomo no kujiko, found a mysterious light in the mountains and built a hut there, which is the origin of the temple.There is a dry landscape garden in front of the main hall. 3.Kimii-dera This temple was built in 770 AD. 4.Kishu Toshogu Shrine It …

Koyasan Choishi-michi-Pilgrimage Route!

Koyasan is a world heritage mountain located in northern Wakayama Prefecture. 1250 years ago, a Buddhist traning hall was opened by Kobo Daishi. There are seven pilgrimage routes.It is the route that leads to Mount Koya from the side of Niu-kanshobu Shrine and Jisonin Temple.Along the most famous road, stones are erected at intervals of 109 yards. The total length is 20 miles.The shrine and route is World Heritage Site. This stone was erected in 1269 by the Hojo clan,who were regents of the Kamakura Shogunate.This stones has numbers and Buddhist characters written on it. Kobo Daishi’s mother lived at Jison-in Temple,so he would walk along this road nine times …

Koyasan in Wakayama

Koyasan, located in northern Wakayama Prefecture, is a religious city of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism founded by Kobo Daishi 1250 years ago. Kobo Daishi was a Buddhist monk who lived around 800 A.D.He went to China to study esoteric Buddhim,and after returning to Japan he founded a sect called Shingon Buddhism.Kobo Daishi was close to the people and was loved by them.It is still a place for monks to study. You can stay overnight at a lodging lodge and eat Buddhist vegetarion cuisine. There are 117 temples on the mountain, and there are many things to see. We will introduce some of the most famous building. Daimon Gate Kondo Danjyo Garan …