Toyama Tourist Spots! 6 things to do!

1.See Japan’s Largest Dam! Kurobe Dam It was built over a period of seven years from 1956 to solve the power shortage after the war.It is located among the highest mountains in Japan.It’s impressive to be able to see it up close. You can get to the dam by train and bus.There is another trekking couse that takes six hours.Mikuriga Pond along the couse offers a spectacular view!You can see the pond,when the snow melts in July. 2. See the Great Buddha and a national treasure temple! Takaoka Great Buddha In The Kamakura period, Minamoto no Yoshikatsu made a five-meter-tall wooden Buddha statue. Burned twice and rebuilt in 1933. It …

Toyama Famous Food!

Where is Toyama?The seafood and Japanese sake there are very delicious!I’ll introduce you to some local specialties.Please try them when you travel. Shiroebi The white shrimp are small but very sweet.It can be eaten as sashimi or tempura.It’s in the restaurants.There is no fishing in the winter,and fish can only be eaten from April to November. Oyster The oysters caught in the sea of Japan are very delicious. Genge Genge is a mythical fish from Toyama.It’s a white fish.The taste is similar to McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish. Firefly Squid This is a small squid caught in Toyama Bay.It’s delicious both raw and boiled.It’s packed with flavor. Masu Sushi Pressed sushi made by …