Mie Prefecture Famous Food!

Do you know Mie Prefecture?Mie is located between Osaka and Nagoya.Mie’s food culture has many different genres.I’ll tell you about a famous food and delicious dish from Mie Prefecture. Ise Udon This is a very soft udon. The taste is sweet.It is a food culture that dates back to the Edo period.You can eat it on the souvenir street next to the Ise Shrine. Tekone Sushi This is bonito sushi.It doesn’t need any seasoning and cen be eaten as is.This shops are located on the street next to Ise Shrine. Spiny Lobster Ise lobster is delicious as sashimi.The reason it’s so expensive is because it can’t be farmed.Hotels in Ise …

Mie Prefecture Tourism Spots and Famous Food!

Mie Prefecture is located between Nagoya and Osaka.There are many resort hotels near the sea.There are many golf courses near the mountain.Ise Jingu is a tourist destination that everyone knows.There are many other great places to visit.I will now introduce the places I went to! Ise Jingu Shrine Ise Grand Shrine is dedicated to the ancestral gods of the imperial family.Worshipers come from all over Japan.It is a very famous shrine. Okage Yokocho SSID:FREE Wi-Fi MIE🛜 This is the street next to Ise Jingu where there are restaurants and souvenir shops. Sarutahiko Shrine Sarutahiko Okami is enshrined here.God is the one who guides you in a good direction.There is a …