9 Sanuki udon Famous Restaurants in Kagawa
9 Sanuki udon Famous Restaurants in Kagawa

9 Sanuki udon Famous Restaurants in Kagawa

Sanuki is the old name for Kagawa.The history of Sanuki udon was popularized by Kobo Daishi.He went to China,discoverd udon,and shared it with the Kagawa when he returned to Japan.The ingredients needed to make udon are flour,salt,soy sauce,and dried sardines.They were produced in Kagawa Prefecture.Kagawa was a place well suited to producing udon noodles.Udon can be found anywhere in Japan.But it tastes even better when you eat it at Kagawa Prefecture.

I will introduce eight udon restaurants out of the many available.All of the restaurants are highly rated and very delicious.They are popular,so be prepared to wait.

1.Ikegami Seimensho

2.Yamauchi Udon

3.Tanikawa Beikokuten




7.Yamagoe Udon


9.Nagata In Kanoka

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